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RETA Workshops

Meeting on MSP Lessons Learned

Hosted by the MSP Knowledge Management and Dissemination (MSP-KMD) Project
Hilton Washington Hotel, Washington, DC
January 29-30, 2008

The MSP Knowledge Management and Dissemination (MSP-KMD) project, a partnership between Horizon Research, Inc. and the Education Development Center, plans to convene a meeting of interested MSPs at the Hilton Washington in Washington DC, immediately following the MSP Learning Network Conference.

The purpose of the MSP-KMD meeting is two-fold:
  1. to discuss lessons learned about deepening teacher content knowledge and teacher leadership preparation/practice to share with the broader field, and
  2. to consider opportunities for cross-project research in these areas.
The meeting will begin with dinner on January 29 and end at 3:00 pm on January 30.

We can accommodate up to 30 people, ideally representing as many as possible of the comprehensive, targeted, and institute projects. Participants need to be able to share lessons learned in their MSP about deepening teacher content knowledge and/or teacher leadership preparation and practice. The MSP-KMD project will pay lodging and meal costs associated with staying an extra day beyond the Learning Network Conference.

If you are interested in attending, please let your MSP PI know. If you have any questions about the meeting, please contact